We have got many feedback like these from overseas companies
Remote Exhibiting Plan for Overseas Companies
◆ Due to travel bans, we cannot reach to Japanese customers...
◆ Cannot find good distributors without having networks...
◆ Cancel/Postpone of trade fairs make it difficult to get new customers...
◆ Webinar/Digital Marketing doesn't work as expected...
Exhibiting Physically at the Show from Your Home/Office
Cost-effective way of sales/marketing and advertisement without traveling for overseas companies.
The plan consists of 'Product Display & E-meeting' and 'PR / Advertisement Opportunities.'
The Same Benefits of a Purely Physical Exhibiting
Physical product display and E-meetings with a bilingual booth assistant can bring you these benefits:
To grasp the whole picture of the plan, this short video might help you.
Advertisement to Maximise the Benefits
’Remote Exhibiting Plan’ includes various opportunities to promote your company, products/technologies information in Japanese market through our huge database of industry, website and media, etc.
Over 1,105* International Companies Got Successful Results So Far
*Results at December, 2021
Detailed Information to Consider Exhibiting
The numbers of exhibitors/countries (including co-exhibitors) and visitors (including concurrent shows) on this website are forecasts. These numbers may differ from the actual numbers at the show.